Hope is not a strategy,
productivity increase is.
Hoping that (personnel) costs will fall in Belgium is a pipe dream. Making a conscious effort in your organisation to increase productivity, that is a real futureproof strategy.
Do you have a strategy to increase productivity in your organisation?
Productivity as a strategy
Is your organization achieving top productivity ?
Is your company today a top or middle productive company within your sector?
Top companies deliberately commit to 6 HR domains. Most other companies are not actively engaged in these.

Tight labour market forces you to take action
Even if your company is among the top productive companies in your sector in Belgium today, the tight labour market will force you to make further efforts to increase or maintain your productivity.
Sphere-Work helps companies to increase or maintain their productivity by offering support in the 4 HR domains we specialise in.

The ultimate goal of our clients?
Ensuring that productivity
- in the company is optimal,
- is well embedded in the organisation and
- achieved without too much extra effort.
The symptoms of reduced productivity
What issues do our customers face?
Our clients typically contact us when they face one or more of the following issues that have a negative impact on their productivity:
- An HR strategy that is not aligned with the implementation of the company's strategy
- (Middle) management showing resistance, unable to translate the new strategy into targeted operational action plans
- Organisational structure that is no longer aligned with the redesigned strategy
- (Staff) costs rising faster than turnover
- Terms of employment that do not (no longer) support the strategy
- Questions regarding the presence of the right skills to realise the future strategy
- Uncertainty as a result of which employees are insufficiently armed to deal with the uncertainties caused by changes and/or the implementation of the strategy
- Key positions that do not get filled and/or a high turnover within that target group
- A poor eNPs score
- ...
On cross-domain and targeted solutions
How we can increase your productivity
We work with 2 types of solutions:
- Cross-domain solutions that work across multiple domains; think of a productivity scan, guidance on the creation of an HR strategy, guidance on restructuring;
- Targeted solutions that address part of the problem and can contribute to an increase in productivity in the short term; think of skill roadmapping, or guidance on negotiations with social partners.
We are Sphere-Work
We implement real and sustainable changes within companies to maintain or bring productivity. We systematically use our many years of experience in implementing change as executives.
Furthermore, we continuously test our methodology against scientific research. This is how we arrive at a recipe for increasing productivity that works. We are the alternative to consultant-speak and approach.

Customers whose productivity we have increased
Some of the customers where we have provided guidance to increase productivity:

Ready to tackle
your productivity?
We are always open to an informal conversation.
Productivity as a strategy
Is your organization achieving top productivity ?
Is your company today a top or middle productive company within your sector?
Top companies deliberately commit to 6 HR domains. Most other companies are not actively engaged in these.
Every organisation needs a clear strategic direction (purpose).
Every organisation needs a clear strategic direction to be ready for the future. That strategic direction must of course be translated into a high-performing HR policy that takes into account the evolution of the labour market. Moreover, it needs to align its personnel planning with both the company's strategy and the labour market.
The right hard & soft skills to be successful, now and in the future.
To successfully realise an organisation's strategy and vision, it must have the right hard & soft skills. And not only for today's tasks, but also for tomorrow's.
Employees motivated to give their best.
A key factor in achieving business objectives is a company's employees. Only when an employee is motivated to give their best will goals be systematically achieved.
The right organisation to support the employees.
The organisation itself must also meet a number of criteria to meet future challenges. Just think about the ability to implement change and get people on board ...
Productivity as a strategy
Is your organization achieving top productivity ?
Is your company today a top or middle productive company within your sector?
Top companies deliberately commit to 6 HR domains. Most other companies are not actively engaged in these.
Bert Van Rompaey
Bert heef 20 jaar ervaring op het gebied van HR en verandertrajecten, waarvan 14 jaar als lid van Executive Committees in grote organisaties, voornamelijk in de bank- en luchtvaartsector. Bert werkte met en in verschillende culturen (Belgisch, Nederlands, Frans, Duits) en was succesvol in het realiseren van diepgaande & pragmatische veranderingen in die verschillende omgevingen. Het laatste jaar werkte hij voor kleinere bedrijven (bv. de fusie van 4 organisaties met in totaal 150 FTE's, strategie-implementatieproject in een IT-bedrijf van ~1000 FTE's, ...).
Focus: Strategische HR, reorganisaties & herstructureringen, fusies & overnames, sociale relaties, reward, strategische scenarioplanning, prestatiecultuur, personeelskosten & HR-gegevens.

Come work for Sphere-Work!
We currently have a vacancy for a Sales and Account Manager. You can find more information on LinkedIn.
Click here to go to our Sales and Account Manager vacancy.
We look forward to discovering more about you. After receiving your details via the form below, we will contact you as soon as possible to discuss next steps.
Come work for Sphere-Work!
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